Now sure whether you should finance your new furnace? Here are the top furnace financing benefits to consider when buying a new furnace in Edmonton. …
Read MoreIt can cost anywhere from $150 to $1,500 to repair a furnace, depending on the issue. If you’re in the Edmonton area, the average cost to repair a furnace will be around $700.
Make sure the furnace company you choose to do your repairs is upfront with their pricing. They should be able to provide you with the price ahead of time so that you know exactly what to expect before moving ahead!
Want to save some money? Often professional heating and plumbing companies will offer a Service Partner Plan – we call ours the ProComfort Plan. This type of plan will help you keep on top of the regular maintenance your furnace needs for a fraction of the price. Regular furnace tune-ups and maintenance will help prevent any major issues, saving you from repairs and replacements that could cost you thousands of dollars! With plans like this, there is often a discount for members, meaning you’ll save money with every visit.
If there is a crack in the heat exchanger of your heating system, your furnace could be leaking carbon monoxide (CO). This can be dangerous for you and your family, as CO can cause serious bodily harm and even result in death. Carbon monoxide is a colourless, tasteless, and odourless gas and therefore is not easily detected, especially in small quantities.
Your furnace may be leaking carbon monoxide if you or other members of your household are experiencing any of the following symptoms:
If you think your furnace is leaking carbon monoxide contact a local heating company right away. If you think you are experiencing carbon monoxide poisoning, please seek professional medical advice immediately.
The key to knowing when to replace your furnace versus when to repair it depends on its age and how many more years you can expect it to last. But, rather than humming and hawing about these questions, there is a simple equation you can use to help you decide.
This equation compares the cost of repairing the unit to the cost of replacing it. Here’s the calculation you can use to decide when you should replace your furnace:
“Cost of Repair” x “Age of Unit (in years)” > “Cost to Replace Furnace” = Replace Furnace
Multiply the cost of the furnace repair by the age of the unit. If this number is less than the cost of replacing your gas furnace, then opt for the repairs. If this number is larger, it will be cheaper to replace the furnace.
If you’re living in Alberta, in the St. Albert/Edmonton area, and you’re still unsure, talk to a local heating company. With their expert knowledge about your particular climate, they will be able to help you make a decision as to whether you should repair or replace your furnace.
The cost of servicing your furnace can cost between $150 – $500 per visit, depending on what is being done and the type of furnace you have in your home.
On average, heating and plumbing companies charge a rate of $150 – $300 per hour. However, if you have a membership to a Service Partner Plan, or another annual plan, you can reduce your cost.
By signing up for a plan with a local furnace company in Edmonton like ProSolutions Plumbing Heating & Air Conditioning, and scheduling regular servicing, you can save money on the services provided and in energy costs.
As well as the cost savings, regular servicing will help to prevent your system from encountering any unexpected problems – especially important during the long winter months.
Check our Furnace Offers & Coupons section for deals on Furnace Tune-ups & Servicing. We always offer competitive pricing too.
A modern, high-efficiency furnace should last approximately ten to fifteen years. This is based on the average lifespan of a furnace so it is possible that yours may last longer or need to be replaced sooner.
The key to a long-lasting furnace is regular maintenance and upkeep. It’s important to stay on top of minor furnace repairs, tune-ups, and maintenance. Scheduling regular maintenance with a professionals heating company will help to maximize the life of your furnace and minimize the need for major repairs. This is especially true in Alberta, where cold winters can take a toll on your furnace.
A local furnace company will know how to care for your furnace in this climate and what to look for if it is having issues.
Can’t decide if a furnace service plan is worth it? Beyond saving you time, money, and the headache of an unexpected furnace breakdown in the dead of winter, here are some of the benefits of a service plan:
Furnace on the fritz? Here are a few things to check if your furnace isn’t working:
If one of these is not the issue, you may need a professional to help you uncover and solve the problem. Don’t wait until it’s too late – a broken furnace, especially during an Edmonton winter, can result in broken and burst water pipes! Find a local furnace repair contractor to fix the problem as soon as possible.
A professional technician will have an extensive checklist to go through when providing furnace tune-up service and maintenance. The items on this list cover every part of your furnace in order to ensure that it is in top working condition.
Some of the most important items included in this furnace service checklist are:
A checklist that includes no less than 22 points of inspection should be used during your furnace service.
Now sure whether you should finance your new furnace? Here are the top furnace financing benefits to consider when buying a new furnace in Edmonton. …
Read MoreOur furnace buying guide covers everything you need to know about how to choose a new furnace. Plus, our heating system experts share their top picks for furnaces in 2024/2025. …
Read MoreOn average, it costs $5,500 to $10,000 for a new furnace in Edmonton, including installation. The total cost for a new furnace will depend on several factors, including:
Although it will cost more initially, having a professional heating company install your furnace is crucial. This is because a furnace that is installed and calibrated properly will save you money in the long run. It will run more efficiently and be less likely to experience major issues that require costly repairs.
In Alberta, a heat-loss calculation is also required when installing a furnace. This calculation will be done by the Edmonton heating company you hire.
What about the cost of furnace repairs and maintenance? Let’s take a look.
Have furnace problems? Here are some common signs that your furnace needs to be repaired or replaced as soon as possible.
When furnace problems arise, many people are faced with the age-old question - repair or replace. Here’s how to make the choice.
Not sure whether you should repair or replace your furnace? Use this simple formula to help you decide.
Step 1. Calculate – Cost of Repair x Age of the Unit (in years)
Step 2. Compare the number above to the cost of replacing your furnace
Step 3. If the number you calculated in the first step is greater than the cost of replacing your furnace then you should REPLACE YOUR FURNACE.
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